Think India
Student Chapter of NIT Patna
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optio dolore ad ut. Incidunt dolores, autem aut dignissimos alias porro molestiae optio minus,
soluta nulla assumenda dicta deserunt inventore maiores mollitia iusto nobis laborum non labore eius
dolorem. Ullam voluptatem, eveniet autem asperiores reiciendis error recusandae tempora delectus.
Nulla suscipit perferendis nesciunt, sequi aut voluptas iste voluptatibus iure? Eveniet tempore quas
illo. Saepe porro accusantium dolores quisquam rerum! Voluptas illum recusandae corporis. Eaque,
sunt quia? Ipsa rem eveniet praesentium dolore, deserunt eius laboriosam magnam perspiciatis.
What is
Think India?
Think India – A pan India initiative to bring together the best talents of the country
to infuse in them a ‘Nation First’ attitude, aimed at developing the nationalistic spirit and
young India to be of service to the society. It is a platform for the “Leaders of Tomorrow” where
deliberate on issues of national importance, raise their concerns and offer innovative solutions to
problems faced by India.
Think India?
Think India felt the need to bind the students with an Indian nationalistic string to harness this
part of national treasure in furthering our aim of national reconstruction. Students from IISc,
IIMB, NIMHANS and NLSIU joined together to create a joint forum for the students from premier
institutes of India in 2006. A formal forum took place at the Art of Living Ashram, Bengaluru in
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